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How to Choose the Perfect Gold Earrings for Your Face Shape

How to Choose the Perfect Gold Earrings for Your Face Shape

A good pair of gold earrings is the cherry on top of the ice cream but to your face. Earrings have been known as ornaments to your face, perfectly framing your features to elevate your look. This is why choosing the perfect pair of earrings is critical to looking good to anyone you see face to face.

But choosing earrings is not an easy job, and it definitely should not be rushed! That is why we want to help you along and tell you all the tea on selecting the best pair of earrings for your gold earring collection based on your face shape to make you look irresistible.

Before we start, you may ask why it is so important to pick earrings to match your face shape. Is it just to elevate your facial features? Well, actually, there is more to it than that. By wearing the right kind of earrings, you can balance out the proportions of your face, giving it an overall symmetrical look. We know that facial symmetry is associated with beauty and grace from the times of ancient civilizations like Egypt. So, let's get down to the good stuff and find the perfect gold earrings to match your face shape so that no one can say no to your face!


First, What determines your face shape?

Face Shape

Your face shape may not be unique to you, but it can certainly contribute to your overall uniqueness. An individual's face shape is determined by a number of factors, both genetic and environmental. Genetics can influence one's face shape, which is why sometimes family members like siblings or mothers and daughters may have the same shaped faces.

Although, genetics does not have the last say as environmental factors such as hormones, diet, exercise, puberty and climate can affect how your genetics become dominant in your appearance. However, it may be that understanding the shape of your face is crucial when choosing makeup, clothing and jewellery. So, read ahead to find your face shape and see what types of gold earrings will suit you like a charm.


Round Faces & Gold Earrings

Round Faces

First, how can you tell if you have a round face shape? If there is no visibly noticeable widest part of your face and all your facial features appeal quite evenly, you might even have a round face. This means if you have a round face, there is little to no difference between the cheeks and the height from the forehead to your chin. You would also have a rounded hairline and a softer-looking jawline underlining your face with no shape edges.

If you have trouble imagining the round face shape, think of Selena Gomez or Leonardo Decaprio. So, the question is how to pair the earrings to suit your round face.

Generally, earrings with long, angled edges and geometric shapes complement round faces the best, giving some contrast. Gold earrings with sharp angles will give balance to the rounded, soft facial features. We recommend staying away from earrings that are big in size and round, like gold hoops, as they will make your face look disproportionate.


Square Faces & Gold Earrings

What if you have a square face? How would you know?

Faces with the same width across the forehead and cheekbones with sharper lines compared to the round face are basically referred to as square-shaped faces. If you have a face of this shape, your forehead and jawline may be slightly wider than your other features and, therefore, will look more dominant. Unlike the round face, this has more angles than curves.

There is a misconception about square faces being less feminine, but you can see how this is not true when celebrities like Angelina Jollie and even "Barbie" Margot Robbie have beautiful square faces.

When choosing earrings, go for soft, curved and circular gold earrings, as this will contrast the sharp edges and angles in your face. You can use large or medium-sized gold hoop earrings, drop earrings, studs and ear cuffs that will give your face softness.


Oblong Faces & Gold Earrings

Oblong faces are similar to square faces but only have a longer distance between the hairline and chin than the width of your cheekbones. Some people tend to call it an oblong face shape or rectangle shape as well. This facial shape is commonly seen among mature adults as, with age, more muscle seems to be placed on the lower half of their faces.

However, many young people also have rectangular face shapes. Some celebrities you may know with oblong faces are Keanu Reeves or Beloved "Monica" from the 90s TV show Friends, played by Courtney Cox.

The guide to earrings is a bit similar to a square face. If you have an oblong face, you can easily rock a pair of gold hoop earrings. Bonus points if you could wear a pair of large gold hoops that are thick and chunky. When your earrings are wider and bigger, it will create an illusion of adding to the width of the jawline, giving out a more symmetrical appearance.

We recommend you avoid slim-looking earrings that dangle from your ears as they will give your face a worn-out and tired look. When you choose earrings that are bigger and shorter in size, they can lift up your beautiful features effortlessly.


Heart Faces & Gold Earrings

Next, we have the heart face shape. Now, if you have never seen a person with a heart-shaped face or cannot imagine a face shaped like a heart, think of Emma Watson from Harry Potter or Deepika Padukone!

As one of the most desired face shapes to have, the heart face often pairs with a widow's peak hairline, wider forehead, and narrow jawline. The widest part of the face is the cheekbones, which are responsible for the famous "heart" shape when paired with a pointy chin.

When accessorizing for a heart face, look for opposing shapes for gold earrings. A pair of simple teardrop earrings can charm your look without a second thought. The most flattering types of gold earrings for a heart-shaped face are gold earrings that are smaller or narrower on top and widen and expand at the bottom. This will even out your facial frame by contrasting the top-wide, bottom-narrow frame of your face.

Square-shaped and bow-shaped gold earrings will not complement your face shape. Therefore, it is better to steer clear of those ones. Learn more about heart face shape


Diamond Faces & Gold Earrings

Picture a horizontal diamond, that is, the rough outline of a diamond's face shape. Similar to square faces, they also have angles and edges, which gives them a unique look. The widest part of a diamond-shaped face is the cheeks, with a narrower forehead.

Usually, people with diamond-shaped faces seem to have angular hairlines as well. The chin comes to a pointy end, much like their hairline. Some diamond-faced beauties you may know in Hollywood are Rihanna and Halle Berry.

If you have a diamond-shaped face like Rihanna, reaching for smooth curved gold earrings might be a good choice for you. The sharp angular features in your face can be softened by the curves of the earrings. This includes hoops, teardrop-like gold earrings, and floral patterned earrings, which will give you just enough balance. Make sure that your earrings are mid-length, falling around your jawline, and not overly big or small, as they will look off-putting when worn.


Oval Faces & Gold Earrings

Last, we have the oval face. Oval face shape` is known to be the "ideal" face shape out there, although we should mention that there are ideal anything when it comes to beauty standards. The oval face has a longer distance between the forehead and the chin, and the widest part of the facial structure is the cheekbones. From the cheekbones, the cheeks flow into a gradual soft point to the chin.

If you have an oval face, you may not need to worry too much about choosing the best pair of gold earrings to match your face shape. This is because the features, curves and angles of an oval face can accommodate a wide variety of different types of gold earrings. So, you can experiment in front of a mirror to figure out which ones look more flattering and which ones look less flattering on the sides of your face. 

However, just because an oval face can be complemented with different gold earrings, you might want to avoid overly big circular-shaped earrings, large gold hoops and prominent diamond-shaped earrings as they can create an illusion of imbalance in your facial features.

If you are looking for some fashion inspiration, check out gold earrings worn by Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez, as they also have cherished oval-shaped faces.


On a final note, 

The key is to add balance to your facial structure by incorporating contrast to your natural face through your selection of earrings. Your gold earrings are the first thing someone sees, so being mindful about what you choose to frame and present your face can influence what type of impression you give to others.

If you are new to all of this, try different types of gold earrings and watch how each style of earrings brighten up your face. But just because you have a certain face shape does not mean you can wear only the mentioned type of earrings. So your perfect pair of gold earrings should be selected with these tips in mind but also with your personal preferences on what looks best on you and what represents you the most.